utorak, 5. svibnja 2015.

Četvrti sastanak partnera u sklopu projekta Thesaurus - Treausury for Adult Education

Dvoje predstavnika Udruženja obrtnika grada Zagreba prisustvovali su četvrtom sastanku partnera na projektu Thesaurus - Treasury for Adult Education, koji je organiziran od strane partnerske organizacije Agrupamento de Escolas de Vialonga u Vialongi, Portugalu.
Sastanak je održan u trajan ju od 5 dana (14.-19.04.2015.) uz prisustvo svih predstavnika partnerskih organizacija izuzev glavnog koordinatora projekta koji je prisustvovao sastanku putem video-konferencije.

Utorak, 14.04.2015.- Dolazak u Lisabon u večernjim satima.

Srijeda, 15.04.2015.- Prvog dana projektnog sastanka, partneri su krenuli u školu Agrupamento de Escolas de Vialonga u kojoj je proveden ostatak dana. Nakon priređene dobrodošlice slijedile su prezentacije svakog od partnera kojima je putem web konferencije prisustvovao i glavni koordinator, Gosp. Alexandru Mita. Putem prezentacija, partneri su ukazali na napredak u projektnim aktivnostima koje su uslijedile od prošlog projektnog sastanka, te su ukazali na područja kojima se trenutno bave. Po završetku prezentiranja, uslijedile su tri radionice koje su se odvijale u prostorijama škole, a obuhvaćale su: tradicionalno rumunjsko bojanje pisanica, bojanje i ukrašavanje zidnih pločica te izradu nakita. Aktivnosti su se provele u vremenu od 09:00-18:30, s pauzom za ručak u obližnjem restoranu. Po završetku radnog dana, domaćini su organizirali socijalno-kulturološku večer upoznavanja sa nekim od portugalskih tradicionalnih jela koja je održana u prostoriji škole s nastupom grupe folklora s područja Lisabona.

Četvrtak, 16.04.2015.- Drugi dan projektnog sastanka je proveden u malom gradu pod imenom Coruche koji spada u regiju Alentejo, najveću regiju u Portugalu. S obzirom na činjenicu da obrada pluta predstavlja velik dio portugalske industrije, prvi dio dana su predstavnici UOZG-a zajedno sa koordinatorima ostalih partnerskih zemalja posjetili Observatório do Sobreiro e da Cortiça. Navedeni Centar je službeno otvoren 2009.godine te sadrži laboratorije i radionice u kojima se proučavaju novi i moderniziraniji načini upotrebe pluta. Prostorije Centra su načinjene od pluta, te se u sklopu istog nalazi mali muzej sa raznim primjerima upotrebe pluta (odjevni predmeti, obuća, razni sportski rekviziti i sl.).  Nakon prezentacije održane od strane zaposlenice Centra u kojemu su prezentirani načini izrade i obrade pluta od samog početka (rezanje kore hrasta), partneri su nastavili prema Montadu, privatnom posjedu na kojemu se sade, održavaju i naposljetku iskorištavaju stabala hrasta za izradu pluta. Nakon pauze za ručak, uslijedio je obilazak Ermida Nossa Sra do Castelo, samostana sa važnom povijesnom pozadinom, obilazak centra Coruchea te posjeta Núcleo Tauromáquico, muzeju smještanom u samom centru grada u kojemu su se mogli vidjeti i čuti mnogi zanimljivi povijesni detalji te regije. Po povratku u Lisabon za sudionike sastanka je organiziran posjet tvornici riže i ostalih žitarica pod nazivom Atlantic Meals. Tijekom posjeta tvornici, održana je zanimljiva prezentacija o proizvodnji žitarica te djelovanju tvornice koja svojom proizvodnjom dominira portugalskim tržištem. Nakon dolaska u Lisabon u večernjim satima, ostalo je vremena za kratku šetnju i upoznavanje grada.

Petak, 17.04.2015.- Prema predviđenom rasporedu, treći dan projektnog sastanka partneri su krenuli prema gradu Évori  u kojemu je organiziran posjet Museu do Artesanato e do Design, Muzeju obrta i dizajna u kojemu su bili izloženi mnogi zanimljivi predmeti sa raznih područja Portugala. Po završetku obilaska muzeja, sudionicima je ostavljeno vrijeme za samostalno razgledavanje grada Évore čiji je centar 1986.godine upisan na UNESCO-v popis mjesta svjetske baštine u Europi kao grad-muzej čije kuće datiraju iz 16. i 18.stoljeća te svjedoče o vremenu zlatnog doba portugalskih kraljeva.

Nakon zajedničkog ručka u tradicionalnoj taverni Alentejo regije, dan je nastavljen obilaskom Herdade do Esporão, vinarije osnovane 1267.godine, u kojoj je sudionicima prikazan cijeli proces proizvodnje vina. Po dolasku u hotel Solar De Alqueva u općini Reguengos de Monsaraz, sudionici su nakon kratkog odmora krenuli na zajedničku večeru u obližnjem restoranu gdje su uz tradicionalnu hranu imali priliku vidjeti izvedbu fado muzike, tradicionalnog glazbenog žanra koji se prati od 1820-ih u Portugalu.

Subota, 18.04.2015.- U jutarnjim satima sudionici projektnog sastanka su posjetili obrt koji se bavi izradom i dekoracijom keramičkih predmeta, gdje im je prikazan cijeli proces proizvodnje keramičkih rukotvorina. Nakon navedenog obilaska, organizirana je posjeta Monsaraz open air museum-u, odnosno muzeju na otvorenom. Povratak u Lisabon u popodnevnim satima ostavio je mjesta za razgledavanje Lisabona.

Nedjelja, 19.04.2015.- Posljednji dan projektnog sastanka ostavljen je za samostalan obilazak i upoznavanje Lisabona.

Ponedjeljak, 20.04.2015.- Predstavnici Udruženja obrtnika grada Zagreba su u ranim jutarnji satima krenuli za Zagreb.

četvrtak, 19. ožujka 2015.


Udruženje obrtnika grada Zagreba (Association of Craftsmen Zagreb) is independent, professional and business organization of craftsmen, traders individuals and companies. Association initiates activities like vocational education and trainings for students (Law and legal regulations, Economy and Entrepreneurship, Safety at work, Working pedagogy, professional theoretical and practical classes for auto-professions, masseur, hairdressers, beautician etc.), organizes lectures and seminars for professional experts, preparations for masters exams, practices for students, participation and visits to craft fairs in the country and abroad. Special attention is focused on education of young craftsmen, along with close cooperation with vocational schools. Association represents the interests of about nine thousand of its members organized into 38 sections which are our Adult learners.

Through this project, we are trying to spread Croatian tradition, improve language, IT skills and cultural knowledge.


In the segment of IT skills, after the 1st Project meeting in Romania we got an idea about organizing trainings and practicum about IT skills and basic English language that our members can use in the future and our Learning module on the Project web page as well as to achieve more IT skills that are required for the labor market needs.  In cooperation with Craft College we organized trainings and practicum for our members and they have learned basic and advance IT skills. Our focus was on the fact that a lot of our members don't use the possibilities that modern technology offers them which can improve their business as well as to learn more about national traditions of other EU countries. Since some of our members who participated in our trainings and practicum never used computers and some of them barely use computers on daily base we was expecting some difficulties, but all of our members reacted very well and although some of them never worked on computers they seemed encouraged for the future use of computers.

Trainings and practicum were organized in small groups and for every person we prepared all the necessary equipment. During few weeks 50 of our members went through our trainings and practicum. During our trainings and practicum we improved IT skills of our members, harmonized their skills and education with the labor market needs and encouraged them for our future trainings and practicum. Also, because of the importance of the English language for better use of IT skills, during our training and practicum our members also learned English so that they could have no problem when using a computer system with English language (if the PC that they are using doesn’t have Croatian translation). They have also seen importance of English language when they searched for specific terms and by learning the basics of English language they gained the ability of learning about the national traditions of other EU members as well as future learning on our Learning platform on the project web page. Another group of learners was taken, and they had also managet to get knowledge mentioned above.



In the segment of tradition, our plan was to use new technologies to improve the skill of making tradition based items (for example souvenirs ), using new technologies to improve the way our traditions are represented to others and to get to know traditions of other EU members.

Association of Craftsmen Zagreb made the fair that was organized under the name "Manufacturers souvenirs of Zagreb - Zagreb" which took place from 15th to 18th September 2014 in Zagreb main square- Ban Jelacic Square. 

The event was attended by various manufacturers, 17 of them, among which are found many interesting artifacts. Craftsmen on the fair where promoting tradition and traditional crafts by showing and teaching the entire process of making traditional items (souvenirs like “Licitarsko srce” and other traditional artifacts). In that few days, fair had several thousand visitors, due to a fact that was organised on a central square which has more 12 000 square meters. "Manufacturers souvenirs of Zagreb - Zagreb" was promoted through our Web page, TV production, radio and newspapers where people were invited to participate.


In the segment of language, in addition to the already mentioned development of basic and advanced English language skills within the conducted IT course we are also currently developing a short Croatian language course aimed at foreign learners. Even though it's not official we could use the IT development terminology and say that the Croatian language course is currently in it's „alpha stage“. We have the an idea of a direction in witch we would like to further develop the course. We would like to make the course more complex with addition of audio files pronounced by native Croatian speakers, learning path, tests and additional resources that are offered through the Thesaurus e-learning platform.


Dissemination of our activities went through our newspaper, television and radio broadcasts (Radio Sljeme) and through the newspaper of Chamber of trades whitch continuously promotes the activities. 

Also, on web pages people can be informed about all kind of activities which are main subject of this project. On our blog on blogspot.com and google+ we were talking about tradition which includes few of the most famous Croatian souvenirs which are made by our craftsmen. Also, we had talked about other side of tradition for example gastronomy.

We are currently in a stage of planning another IT course which will be based on the use of social media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) due to a fact that a lot of activities are being held through those services and many of our members/learners aren't involved in those kind of  activities.

Zagreb, March 2015.

četvrtak, 12. veljače 2015.

Informatička radionica

U okviru projekta Thesaurus - Treasury for adult education održane su informatičke radionice putem kojih su polaznicima prikazane osnovni pojmovi informacijske tehnologije počevši od osnovnih djelova računalnog sustava, osnovni pojmovi i drugo. Radionice su održane u službenim prostorijama a prisustvovalo je 20-ak polaznika organiziranih u dvije grupe.

Neki od zadataka vidljivi su u dolje priloženom tekstu:
Postavi gornju i donju marginu na 3 cm, a lijevu i desnu na 2 cm. Uveznu marginu postavi na 1 cm.

Postavi zaglavlje i podnožje na 2 cm udaljenosti od ruba.

Cjelokupnom tekstu promjeni vrstu slova na 'Tahoma'.

Naslovu promijeni veličinu slova na 21, podebljano, kurziv, postavi sjenu i smanjena velika slova. Poravnaj ga centrirano i postavi razmak iza na 44 točkice.

Svim odlomcima promijeni veličinu slova na 12. Poravnaj ih obostrano, posebno uvlačenje prvog retka za 0,7 cm  i postavi razmak iza i ispred na 4 točkice.

Drugi i treći odlomak postavi u tri stupca, s crtom između i razmakom između od 0,6 cm.

U prvom odlomku, oblikuj prvo slovo u obliku inicijala, kroz tri retka, udaljeno 0,3 cm od teksta.

Popis koji se nalazi na kraju teksta pretvori u numerirani popis, s brojevima i točkama nakon broja.

Stavi obrub oko stranice u obliku efekta po želji, širine 14 točkica.

Oko petog odlomka stavi obrub sa sjenom, plave boje i širine 3 točkice. Osjenčaj ga žutom bojom.

Petom odlomku promijeni uvlačenje odlomka s lijeve strane 1,5 cm i s desne strane 2,5 cm.

Umetni u zaglavlje, s desne strane, redni broj stranice i promjeni mu veličinu slova na 8, podebljano i kurziv.

Upiši u podnožje svoje ime i prezime. Slova neka budu veličine 10, podebljano. Odlomak neka bude poravnat po sredini, bez posebnog uvlačenja prvog retka ili ostalih redaka.

Odmah iznad imena i prezimena, na sredinu papira po širini, umetni crtu, dužine 10 cm, koja će se ponavljati na svakoj stranici.

Iza popisa, umetni sliku 'Zagreb', postavi joj veličinu na 7X10 cm, stil omatanja postavi na kvadrat.

Posljednji odlomak (ne popis) postavi u tekstualni okvir i ispuni ga s teksturom po želji.


U dokument umetni Watermark tako da se ponavlja na svakoj stranici. Tekst u Watermarku neka bude tekst naslova dokumenta. Razvuci Watermark u područje od zaglavlja do podnožja.

utorak, 20. siječnja 2015.

The Gastronomy of Croatia

In the coastal regions of Croatia the cuisine has a rather Mediterranean flavour, as you would expect, with lots of olive oil used in the preparation. However, Croatian cuisine does have its own distinct identity, especially in regards to the cooking of fish. The tradition of grilling and roasting fish and delicacies of the sea has been carried down from generation to generation, where the taste of the fish depends on the grilling technique and the type of wood chosen. There is also the tantalising Dalmatian olive oil method of cooking, gradelavanje, which gives the fish a particular and fantastic taste. All along the coast and the isles, the fish menus are unrivalled - even the humble sardine will never taste quite so delicious. Many Croatian fish restaurants have their own fishing boats, so you can be assured of the freshness of the fish. Also, it is not uncommon to choose your own fish from a selection of different species kept on ice in the centre of the restaurant.

Croatian cuisine isn’t restricted to fish, they have many delicious meat dishes too. Grilled pork and roasted lamb are common dishes, and beef too, which is often cooked in a delicious tomato sauce, although you can, of course, have your steak ‘straight’. Regional differences in Croatian cuisine are quite evident and in the north of Croatia Austro-Hungarian culinary influences are strongest. One finds meats cooked in bread crumbs, goulashes served with stuffed cabbage, and a dish called sarma, a winter delight of a rare excellence. In the region around Zagreb, strukli, thin sheets of cheese cooked in water, is a speciality. In Slavonia, the speciality is kobasice, or pork sausages. Along with the many types of delicious sausages on offer, there is the famous kulen, which is very similar to salami.

Connoisseurs of cheese must try all the different cheeses on offer. In the markets one finds a thick white cheese svjezi sir sold in little plastic sacs and usually eaten, as an accompaniment to a salad, with salt and pepper. Paski sir, a hard cheese from the isle of Pag, is an excellent cheese and one of the most reputed.

                Part of the magic of Croatia is its food. Its wines and beers are good too.

Those who have sweet teeth will not be disappointed when it comes to choosing something off the shelves of the slasticarne. So many different influences: cream cakes of Austrian inspiration, nut cakes of eastern influence, kremsnites dripping in honey, rozata egg cakes, savijace strudels, delicious cakes oozing with cream, or one of the rich Dalmatian tarts.

The wines & beers of Croatia
Among the top quality red wines are Postup, Faros, Babic, the Dingac red from the Peljesac peninsular, and the Teran wine of Istria. Among the first class whites are Posip, Grk, Bogdanusa, and the well known sweet desert wine, Prosek. Even the region’s drinking water, which flows from the rivers Jardo and Cetina, is a speciality. Thanks to its purity and pleasant taste it is considered not only to be healthy, but is also mixed with wine to create Bevenda.

Not to be forgotten is the wine, known for its special taste of the warm south. Croatian wines were already reputable but they are becoming more and more renowned.

The Croatian beers most frequently drunk are Ozujsko pivo and Kariovacko pivo, both of which are excellent. Foreign beers tend to be more expensive, so unless you have a preference for a particular foreign beer you’ll do no wrong choosing Croatian.

Finally you must try, before or after enjoying one of the many varied dishes from the Croatian menu, the different sorts of schnapps. ‘The water of life’, Rakija, when made from a base of plums is Slivovica, from grapes is Loza, and from herbs is Travarica.

Cheers: Zivjeli!


Cafes & restaurants along the Baska Voda promenade

There is a very good site on the Cuisine of Croatia at www.voyages-gourmands.com. The site exists in both English & French versions